Friday, February 27, 2009

Third year

Spring Break in Ada. Nothing exotic on the travel plans. I may go to Detroit one day with some friends to the MGM Grand to try my luck with some poker or slots (not to worry, Janet retains all cards, and I depart with only a small wad of bills). As for the rest of the week, it will be spent largely studying, if I can find the motivation to get working.

Third year: Some people find this to be a time to relax, take an easy course load, learn to play golf, etc. I have not chosen this path, as last week I was named as Editor in Chief of the Ohio Northern Law Review. It means a lot of work, but it will pay off.

That's all to update as of now.


Anonymous said...

YAAAAH! (In our best Kermit the Frog arm flail)
Kudos on being named EIC. Knowing you, you would have had trouble taking it easy third year anyway...

Anonymous said...


Brian said...

Yes - type-o. This is why I have a team of editors before things get to me!!!