Friday, September 21, 2007

Driving Tests and Doggie Doors

We've got a puppy! Brisco is his name-o. He's a 1 and 1/2 year old Shih Tzu , and a gooooood boy! Nice to have a little more company, especially for Janet while I am at school!

He likes kibble, long walks on the blacktop, and having the hair out of his eyes so he can see things!

Still getting used to his new house, but he's settling in nicely.

In other Ohio news - Janet and I both passed out driver's test!!!! That's right, in order to get an Ohio license, we had to take a 40 question multiple choice test, showing that we wouldn't join all the other maniacs on the road. From my perspective, the test needs to be given to all the others living here, with the first question dealing with how to use a turn signal!!!!!

Classes are going well. I've joined a law fraternity - Phi Alpha Delta - and will be inducted next week (this is a professional organization people - no hazing jokes please.) Classes are going well...5 weeks in already.

Janet had a job interview this week, that went well, and has another next week - so good luck to her!!!

Stay tuned for more trivia soon.....