Monday, March 10, 2008

blog, blog, blog.

Lots to report back on, but first we had visitors this weekend!!! Tick and Janel came down from winter-y Wisconsin and seemingly brought all that Wisconsin snow with them. Ohio broke a 100-year record in the southern part of the state with 20 inches of snow.

While Tick and Janel were here, we played lots and lots of games. Tick brought Rock Band, which we played quietly as we live in an apartment. And, we played The Great Zamboni, and Ticket to Ride, and Settlers (Jeff & Mary -don't forget to bring Settlers when you come!!!). We did venture out for some food - apparently we weren't supposed to be on the road, but it wasn't sooo bad for Wisconsinites.

We also watched the best documentary ever!! It was called King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. It followed the struggles of an arcade gamer to beat the record score, but you wouldn't believe the drama that was involved! It's better than anything that could be made up!!

In other news, my blood drive participation was a debacle, but I was finally able to give blood after an hour of weirdness. My biggest frustration was listening to staff members say they couldn't give blood because they don't feel good when they do. To that I would just like to say: Boo on you. The blood drive was on campus, and if you don't feel well when you give blood, you can plan for it to take a little longer and to take it easy that day. This is the nicest school ever, they wouldn't mind. For a day of discomfort, you could save a life. See? Now it doesn't sound so bad, does it?

And, the Quiz Bowl was a success!! I read for the JV teams and the kids were really fun. I had to tell one team to settle down, but at the end, several of the team members said I was the best reader and they thanked me for putting up with them. Isn't that sweet??!? And, today the Quiz Bowl organizer said he heard good things about my reading from several people. When Alex Trebek retires, maybe I'll have a new career....

Jeff and Mary are coming next weekend, so more to blog soon!