Saturday, November 3, 2007

In the lion's den

Columbus this weekend...we didn't get ticket to the game, but we did go to a pub relatively close to the staduim, and Janet and I were the only fans clad in Wisconsin attire (we were with my friend Bill, who is a grad student at OSU.

WHAT A GAME - that is, if games only lasted three quarters. I actually started to believe that I'd walk through this pub from the back outdoor patio where we sat, passing two hundred CRAZED Buckeye fans, smiling clad in cardinal W's. Well, if you haven't seen the score of the Badger's game, sorry for the spoiler, but they (we) lost.

It was fun, and I only got heckled badly by one "fan", who was wearing his buckeye gear. He offered me a dollar for my Badgers hat, and I retorted he should keep his dollar, and buy five Buckeye hats. It was completely lost on him, and the "badgering" of the Badger fan didn't bother me so much, since OSU was favored to win.

The moral of the story - OSU fans are seriously, seriously, crazy!!! I vow not to assimilate, and will continue to be a Badger booster.