Sunday, January 27, 2008

Roller Shoes and Expensive Grapes


That was the general sentiment when Janet and I were shopping at Wal-Mart this afternoon. Now, as a general policy, I try not to patronize Wal-Mart, however, they really do have low prices, and in defense of the capitalist system, lower prices = more money in the pockets of the consumer - and we are consumer... I said, I try not to patronize Wal-Mart, and at the risk of sounding like I have a superiority complex (no comments welcome here) it's because of the other patrons. Today, it was a literal drove of children with "roller-shoes." You've seen them - tennis shoes with a little wheel that pops out of the heel. The result? Children whirring about the isles of malls, stores, parking lots and schools - annoying everyone else. This can't just be an Ohio phenomenon.

So - do we blame the children? No. The parents for buying the shoes, and letting the children roll freely? Perhaps. I for one say we blame the jerk who filed the idea with the patent office and is making millions off the dumb idea!!!!!!

The other consumer experience of the weekend was at the grocery store yesterday, when I grabbed some grapes because I thought they looked good. Turns out they aren't in season, and the bag cost me nearly $10!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! Why didn't the cashier ask me if I was insane! Oh well, you'd better believe that we'll be eating every last one of them. I'm looking online to see if there's a way I can grind down the stems and make a lotion out of it!!!!!

Hope you weekend had far less consumer angst than ours!!!!

B & J