Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's a circle.

A vicious circle. Work out --> rotate hip backward --> go to the chiro --> can't work out for few days --> work out --> rotate hip backward --> go to chiro. You see the pattern. The only one that wins here is the chiropractor. Three cheers for sedentary living! (kidding.) I go back on Monday to see if my adjustments stuck over the weekend. They probably didn't cuz I went rollerskating...and fell. Oops.

In other news, I've found an article worth mention because I'm sick of work buzzwords. Some of the most frequent offenders include dialogue-ing, transparency, collaboration, community outreach and engagement. Yes, I use these words frequently. It doesn't mean I like it. Kudos to the Brit's local government for trying to "crack down on weasel words." I don't think they are going to have much luck, but it's entertaining to watch them try.

Now I'm segueing (which could argueably be a buzzword) to British actors and actresses. We just watched The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Jude Law. Super cute chick flick. That is all.