Saturday, December 6, 2008


Wow! Snuck up pretty suddenly this year.

In brief: Federal Income Taxation, Constitutional Law I, Evidence.

I had a paper to write in International Law (on the law or piracy - arrrrrgh) and some other legal writings for a Civil Practice class.

To get a feel for it - yesterday we had a review with our professor for the Fed. Tax class. It began at 3:30 p.m. We took a break for dinner at 6:30, and after getting back an hour later, I decided to leave early - at midnight!!!!!! So, my life is devoted to Federal Income Tax law until Monday evening.

Other than finals, and my moot court assignments, we're eager for the holiday, if only to have some time to relax. Keith and Christopher are scheduled to spend some time with us while they're in the states, so we will be happy to have them over new years.

All for now.