Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ohio residents = buckeyes = nuts

We finally have the Internet! I haven’t been able to post anything since Saturday, so there is a lot of catching up to do! Interesting tidbit of info – Ohio residents are called buckeyes, which are actually nuts. Therefore, using my extensive deductive reasoning skills, Ohio residents are nuts!

Anyway, on Sunday we slept in and had a nice bacon & egg breakfast (thanks Dad!) with Jeff and Angie, then we got back to work and did some more unpacking. In the afternoon, Emily & Kevin came over and helped with some rearranging and unpacking. Jeff and Angie headed home. We took a trip to Target which was about an hour away!! (Although, local rumor has it that there may be a Target going in just down the road from us in a year or two.) We tried out a local eatery for some dinner – Steve’s Dakota Grill. Very tasty! Brian and I had rib-eye and would definitely recommend it to our meat-eating friends. Here are a few pictures - the living room, us & jeff & angie, kitchen, brian's office, & angie lounging.

Monday we took a trip to Columbus with Emily and Kevin. We visited friends Bill & Melissa and baby Emily. Bill and Brian went to grade school together at the French immersion school. We went to the German Village part of town and ate at Schmidt’s for lunch – I had my first spatzel. I liked it! Then Bill and Melissa headed home before Emily could fully wake up and realize she wasn’t in her usual location. But, we had a great time at lunch and Emily was just a little doll and slept away the whole time. After lunch, the rest of us checked out the Village and went to The Book Loft, where I would still be, if Brian hadn’t pulled me out. It was an old giant Victorian home renovated with tiny rooms going up and down and willy-nilly filled with books from floor to ceiling. I didn’t even make it through the whole thing. We said our good-byes to Emily & Kevin that evening and spent the rest of our evening driving through a bit of Findlay and watching buffy. Here are pictures of the Union building, the law building and a study/common area inside the law building. And pictures of us, Bill, Melissa & baby Emily, and the outside patio of the book loft. Pretty, pretty!

Tuesday, we did a LOT of exploring in Findlay. We found a Papa John’s that delivers and a sushi restaurant. And, best of all, we found Menards!!!! We said if we’re homesick we’ll just have to go there, because it smells like home. They even have Sprecher root beer! We also found the local mall, which includes what we think is a budget theater and a book store. After our excursion, we went home and I repotted a plant and planted a mum on a roller pot for outside our door….unfortunately it’s a little shady by our door, so I scooted it out closer to the outside, so it gets enough sun. It looks a little funny just sitting over there, but it’s cheerful.

Wednesday, we did a lot of putting away and stayed in because we were supposed to be getting our internet/tv connection in. By 3:30 we were getting stir-crazy, so we called and apparently it was actually scheduled for today, Thursday! Ooops!

Wednesday night we had our first Ohio thunderstorm. When we got up on Thursday – we both looked at each other and said “do they have tornado sirens in Ohio?” My guess is yes, based solely on the Helen Hunt movie, Twisters. And my mum plant did not roll away in the wind, in case you were wondering.

Brian had orientation today. It went well. He met some of the other students. He got his student ID, which will get me discounts on cute clothes at the women’s boutique! And, his picture is a good one – very slimming, no weird expression! J I stayed home and waited for the Internet guy, who didn’t come until 5:30. But I was productive.