Monday, February 25, 2008

Trip to West Virginia

Last weekend we went to West Virginia for Brian's second interview with a law firm in Huntington for a summer clerk position. The program is unique in that they only hire new associates through their summer program. Originally, 90 first year students were interviewed. Of the 90, sixteen were called back for the second interview. Of the 16, four get offered positions.

While Brian was being interviewed, I explored the Huntington downtown area (which is where the firm is located). Huntington is right on the border of WV, OH, and KY, and on the Ohio River, with a nice stretch of park right along the OH river. Here's a pic at the park after Brian's interview. That's the Ohio River, and note the hills in the background.
Downtown is also home to a nice little shopping area with some cute stores, a movie theatre and several restaurants. Very nearby is Marshall University, unfortunately best known for the football team plane crash. As I shopped, I tried to talk to people to get a feel for the area, and everyone was very friendly. After Brian's interview, we also explored the surrounding area. The economy is a bit depressed, but the scenery is beautiful with hills everywhere.

After our 4 hour drive home, we just vegged out for the night. The next day we met Randy for breakfast before he flew off to FL for spring break. In the afternoon, Brian got a call from a partner at the firm, and they offered him a position for the summer! We're very excited for the opportunity, and are now finding Brian a place to stay in Huntington for the summer. I'll be stationed in Findlay, but will be visiting on weekends!