Monday, May 4, 2009

What we've been doing...

Brian has been doing these things of note (not in this particular order):
Studying for finals.
Working on law review.
Finishing papers.
Eating with me while we watch Criminal Minds.
Frantically drinking coffee and trying not to sleep. (don't worry, I make him sleep.)

I have been doing these things of note:
Reading magazines & books - just finished Snow Flower & the Secret Fan. good stuff.
Work has been busy - last week was a luncheon, this week President Gee visits.
Watching Grey's Anatomy with our friend Shannon.
Having dinner and watching Criminal Minds with Brian. (Unfortunately, this makes me slightly paranoid.)
Just started aerobics again.
Hanging out with Misty - we went swimming last weekend.

Things I've learned from Criminal Minds:
Do NOT go near the kidnapper van. (It's a good reminder.)
It's always the person you least expect, probably someone you know but don't pay much attention to.
Everyone is crazy - all they need is a "stressor" and it's on like donkey kong, but not so fun and usually bloody.
You can outsmart someone with a gun, but only if you are a genius in profiling. that leaves me out.
They usually go after the "pretty" kids and women. See? Workout clothes keep me safe.
Lastly, I have nightmares when I watch police shows. (I'm working through them.)

And that is my quick boring blog to give you an update. Cheerio! :)