Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Barrister's Ball

Last weekend was Barrister's Ball weekend - Law School Prom. It was Saturday night, and in Columbus. We stayed at the hotel most everyone stayed at....which also took pets, so Brisco was along for the ride. (He was very, very good, minus some hallway peeing was green carpet, so he thought it looked grassy...)

Here is a pic from the ball - we forgot our camera, so we were at the mercy of others. It's not the best, kinda pixelated, but note my new glasses. It's Randy, me, Joe, Megan, Adam, and Brian.

First we pre-partied, then dinner and dancing at the Ball, then off to more dancing at a local bar/dance club, which was very fancy and we were on a "list" for, then there was post-partying. Some note worthy moments - Brian's property prof totally electric sliding better than anyone, Brian and his new friend Brent busting their moves on a platform at the dance club, and me getting hit on by some girl with lip piercings. It was all very big city.

Oh big cities, how we miss you so!