Thursday, May 1, 2008

my event....

my monday night event went well - i'm still recovering. It is the biggest event of the year for our development office - it's a dinner/auction at the country club to fundraise for student scholarships. each year we have a speaker and this year it was university president, E. Gordon Gee. (He's one of the most well-known university president's in the nation & it's his 2nd stint here at OSU - which is very unusual to get invited back.) So, anyway, lots of pressure since he was in attendance and it was my first one. i did most of the logistics planning while my boss Amanda did most of the Gee visit coordinating. we ended up raising the most we've ever raised, even beating out the year Coach Tressel was our speaker. as a side bar, Gee is a very engaging speaker, especially with the students. And, I got his autograph. I know it sounds wierd, but if you live here, it's totally legitimate. Some of our big auction items were a signed football helmet & jersey by Tressel. (I tried them on prior to the auction....which may have been inappropriate....but it was funny.) We had some nice OSU themed pictures, and other little memorabilia things. watch the blog for a pic with me and gordon!! :)

in other news, we got a house in Ada to rent next year, starting in August. It will be a lot more convenient for both of us, and Brisco! The house is a ranch style with an attached one-car garage and a patio in front. In back, there's a fenced-in yard for Brisco to run (and me to mow), and there's a cement slab for a grill. The front door goes into the living room, which is very bright with 2 big windows, to the left is a big kitchen which goes into the laundry room (where the garage door is). The only wierd thing is that the fridge is in the laundry room. there is also a huge attic for lots of storage. Back to the living room, if you walk through it goes straight back to a little bathroom, and the hall splits with a bed room on both sides. Small closets, but still closets. all walls painted nice colors. once we move, our army friend Joe is going to put us through basic training - i say this to everyone so you can hold us to it!!!

so, anyway, things are busy here as always, but good. later gators!
