Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm All Orientated!

Two days, relatively intense, but enough time for a little relaxation too. Met all the professors, made a few friends, and even have a classmate who is from WI! Went to UW-O, but has been living in FL for the past few years - in any case, he said he wants to "find a bar that shows Packer's games!" We'll see.

In any case, to the studies - I've got 5 classes, for a total of 14 credits. Civil Procedure, Torts, Contracts, Property, and Legal Research & Writing. Classes officially start Monday, and I've got loads of reading and case briefing to do before then! (Case briefing is law school speak for summarizing cases, and being prepared to discuss them in class - at times perhaps against one's will.)

Tonight Janet and I took a little break and saw the movie Stardust - which...was...AWESOME!!! Highly recommend it. The rest of the weekend will likely be devoted to study, though we may take a trip tomorrow evening to see the Balloon Fest in Findlay.

Janet will probably post soon, but I wanted to make a little contribution too!