Thursday, September 1, 2011


Brian has nearly finished his first week of teaching classes, and so far so good. This weekend will be all about class prep for next week. I don't really have much else to report. My car got smashed last week in the Wal-mart parking lot by a 16-year-old. It will be in the shop until after Labor Day weekend, but the rental and all repairs are covered by the smasher's insurance. In the meantime, we have an ugly Chevy HHR. It is very comfortable, just mildly unattractive.

A brief book recommendation - The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. (The link is to the first one of the series, Hounded.) Sooo good. Fun blend of fantasy, pop culture, and literary references - all of my favorite things!! I love these easy reads for a break from the heavier stuff. While I thoroughly enjoy a wide range of books, I always find my way back to something with a little magic in it. (I think this also explains my love of Disney World.) Who doesn't want magics and miracles in their life?!?!  (Speaking of, keep praying that Brian finds a job miracle for January.)

Enough of my ramblings. G'night.