Friday, December 12, 2008

Food poachers.

There is much to report since our last post.

As you can imagine, Brian has been spending most of his time at the law library. In an effort to cut costs, he's been packing lunches (some of the time, at least) and leaving them in the law school fridge to eat when he's hungry. Unfortunately, at peak emotional distress Brian discovered someone had stolen his pizza. Due to his fragile mind set during finals time and it was pizza that was stolen, Brian made sure the entire law school was aware of this food pilfering. Because law students are a sad, procrastinating bunch, a facebook group was created to help locate Brian's pizza - no luck. While it was a sad turn of events indeed, it all worked out for the best. Some of Brian’s friend were filled with compassion for his plight, and they offered to take us out for a free pizza. Even better, one of Brian’s profs came along and he paid for our delicious pizza pie last Saturday evening. Everyone returned to the law library satisfied with their pizza dinner and studied until close at midnight.

At midnight, it was decided that a trip to the Beagle was a just reward for a night of studying. Off we went during a blizzard. We stayed at the Beagle until 2am, then had a light breakfast at a local eatery, The Bear Cave. Brian, me, Randy, Megan, and our friend Harlan were all talking quite loudly as you can imagine….they were studying all day after all. We were just discussing the joys of talking over one another, when we were interrupted by the only other patron in the restaurant. He said, “Seriously, can’t you guys shut up for one minute?!?” He continued yelling at us, and Brian said, “oh, he’s just kidding, cuz we’re talking about talking over each other.” Everyone assured Brian that this drunk thug was actually NOT kidding. So he quieted us down for maybe a minute and then we were back off to our regular volume. As we left for the evening, the owner assured us that we weren’t actually too loud and she hoped we returned. We walked home in the blizzard and Megan stayed overnight, so she didn’t have to drive to Lima in the snow. In the morning, Megan and Brisco were fast friends, and he was sleeping on her head.

Sunday I ventured into the attic to put some things in storage, and Brian studied diligently. Monday was filled with last minute cramming, and Tuesday was D-Day for the Fed Tax final. I saw Brian a total of 45 minutes, and I hung out with our friend, Andromeda. Wednesday we had our work holiday party, and I brought our life full circle and stole leftovers from the work fridge.