Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy father's day.

Happy father's day!

We haven't blogged in forever. We've been busy.

Quick rundown in bullet form:

Brian's reading: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. He likes it and it's gotten rave reviews according to media...

I'm reading: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. It's really interesting. All about slow food, eating locally and seasonally. It could easily be one of those books that you just read here and there, though. Just cuz it's not an adrenaline storyline or anything like that. I would definitely recommend it though. (Support your local farmer's market!)

Recently: I led my first book club meeting on Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. For a work book club - it went very well. Everyone actually read the book, and conversation stayed book related, instead of diverting to work related. Success!

We're planning: On a trip to Italy in October to visit Keith and Christopher. Watch for details! Brian's religiously studying his Italian. I'm more of a dabbler.

We recently watched: Dexter, Season 1. If you can get over the disturbedness of the premise, it's good. We also really liked Star Trek, and the Hangover.

Brian made Dean's List this last semester.

He's busy with law review stuff and work - he's really enjoying his clerking work.

I've been busy at work - our biggest fundraiser of the year is in a week.

All my flowers and vegetables are looking good. I should have a good supply of onions, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini to look forward to.

My Little Sister is doing well. Her favorite summertime activity is to go swimming, which works for me!

That's pretty much our summer so far as a list. Time for bed!