Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Trial Competition

Most law schools have a Moot Court program. At ONU, the program sponsors teams of law students to compete nationally (and internationally) in trial and appellate competitions across the country and beyond. In addition, the program sponsors three annual intra-school competitions: the Daniel S. Guy First Year Appellate Advocacy Competition, the Burke E. Smith Trial Competition, and the Anthony Celebreeze Appellate Competition. First year, I won the Guy competition. Last year, my trial partner and I lost in the semi-finals of the trial competition (and I passed on participating in the Celebreeze competition).

This year, armed with another year's worth of legal education, and a new partner (Randall Petrouske - another native Wisconsinite), I won the trial competition. In total, between preliminary rounds and the finals there were five mock trials in total. It was a long and tenuous process, and I am glad it is over, but also glad to have the win! On to concentrate on Law Review duties and academics for the next two months!