Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greetings blog-o-sphere!

An update for the week...

Brian's studying...He is writing a paper on piracy in international waters, as in the arrgghh kind, not intellectual property kind. So he's the local pirate expert. He's also been busy with moot court brief writing. And, last but not least Fed Tax is being pretty brutal on him...not the content, just the workload.

My extra-curriculars...This week I had an interview to become a Big Sister to a young girl in the Ada community. I met with the coordinator and we really hit it off and I raved about all my good influences growing up. (Thank you to all of you great role models!) She's going to find me a match in the school system based on who they think would be a good fit for my personality and based on where they might need me most. Then I'll meet with the family to make sure they approve. Then we'll hang out once a week for a few hours. I'm pretty excited about it, so I hope she finds me a Little quickly! :)

Next week...we'll be hosting Thanksgiving for my dad, and our friends Randy and Joe. It will be our first attempt at making a turkey, so we'll let you know how that goes. And of course, you know how we like to be extravagant, so we have a 20-pounder! (But to be fair, we got it from Grandma and Grandpa.) We also have the local pizza place on speed dial in case it doesn't go well.

Watch for more news soon!