Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Last

It's catch-up time, and we're posting what we can to catch us up to date (just in time for a return trip to WI in three days!)

Last weekend we had a great occasion to return to Wisconsin - the baptism of our niece Grace's baptism, at which Brian was godfather. It was a lot of driving for a short weekend, but well worth it. We had a nice time, and it was good to see family for the first time since we moved, and awesome to meet Grace for the first time!!!

We also had the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of our friends Tick (a.k.a. Jon) and Janel in Waukesha Saturday, and among other things got to play some of our favorite board games, Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan. We were also introduced to new games, nearly always an occurrence when we visit these two.

Thanks to Mom & Kevin and Tick & Janel for providing lodging during our visit. Later this week we'll blog about this weekend's visit by Jeff & Mary P. Stay tuned...