Friday, October 12, 2007

at the races...

Yes - this is delinquent, but we'll play catch-up with the blogging...

Two weekends ago Janet and I attended one of the marvelous activities ever to transpire at the Hancock County Fairgrounds - the Annual National Dachshund Races! Yes - "wiener dogs". They raced, people cheered, and the stakes were almost as low as the racers were to the ground.

All in all it was a fun time - the race itself took place in one of the event halls - otherwise known as a concrete barn. There were bleachers set up around the 25 foot raceway (sprint), and a stage on which a very annoying emcee announced the events, and made jokes that only he seemed to think were funny (and some double-entendres that would conservative censorship gurus to have been on fox news the following morning calling for his head - and honestly, we thought a few comments were a bit too risque for the children...)

Digressing, we stayed for the younglings - up until about 1 1/2 years old, and then saw the senior races. Very rarely would they just tear off from the starting blocks to their respective handlers, making for a competitive race. In reality, it was more like "dumb dogs walking around sniffing the astro turf seeking treats." It was highly entertaining though, however, pretty clear that the event, which I'd say garnered about 400 spectators, has outgrown it's facility, and there is a need to expand, perhaps next year have a jumbo-tron for better viewing capabilities.

Below is a video clip that shows some racing, for a second at least, from the beat vantage point I had with our digital camera!

This weekend we're graced with the presence of our friends Jeff & Mary, who are presently on their way to the Yuckeye State - oh, sorry - that's the Buckeye state (see Kevin, I'm still retaining my Badger heritage!!!!!)

Next blog - also retroactive - about last weekend's trip to Wisconsin for a visit with friends, family, and my goddaughter Grace's baptism!!!