Thursday, November 1, 2007

employment difficulties....

I know everyone is anxious to hear that I've procured a job. Well, sorry to burst your bubble....not yet. I had a lot of leads and a couple really good interviews. I finally had a verbal offer, but every time I've gone in to their offices to talk through the offer something comes up. They wanted me to start today, but as of Tuesday, needed to wait on a final approval for the position before we could even go through the offer. So maybe one of my previous interviews will come through in the clutch.

On to happier news, this last weekend Brian and I went to an ONU produced one act play - Suddenly Last Summer by Tennessee Williams. They gave us student prices (even me!), so that was nice. I read the play in college, it's kind of disturbing, but it was pretty well done. And, Monday night we had some friends over for Monday night football because the Packers were on. I made very tasty cupcakes and if you visit, I'll make them for you too.

This weekend we're going out for our friend Austin's (from Malawi) birthday on Friday. Then we're going to Columbus for the Wisconsin/Ohio game with Bill & Melisa. And, don't worry, Brian's been studying a LOT, so he's due for a little fun, and he's back to the library on Sunday!

I will close with a parting shot of my little bundle of joy!