Thursday, February 12, 2009

state hopping

Brian is in Chicago, gearing up for moot court tomorrow. We'll keep you posted.

In other news, I went to see Jesus Christ Superstar on Tuesday with one of our friends - Amber from law school and her mom. The original Ted Neeley was in it and everything! Twas good.

I also met my Big Brother, Big Sister family w/little on Monday. Now I'm trying to set up our first just us venture, but I haven't been able to get a hold of them. Hopefully tomorrow, so we can do something this weekend.

And, today - I had some wierd allergic reaction at work, I think, from cutting cellophane and my face got all hot and itchy and red. ALL DAY. it seems better now that i ate nearly a pint of ice cream. cake batter. yum. tomorrow i'm taking benadryl to work. although, i prefer the ice cream medication.

happy valentine's weekend.