Thursday, May 8, 2008

Almost done!

Brian's first year of law school is almost over! One more final tomorrow and then I'll get to see him least for a week before he goes to West Virginia! But, I'll take what I can get.

This has been a semi-busy week at work for me. I've been wrapping up things from last week's event and we've had lots of extra curriculars this week. It's May Week for the students, so it's kind of like a little marketplace/fair over lunch. I tried to give blood, but my iron was too low. (So someone else should go out and give in my place....) I got a 60-second caricature done - it doesn't really look like me. And, I was in a photo shoot for work. I got to do the O-H-I-O poses - it was all very America's Next Top Model-esque. So keep your eyes peeled for an all Janet OHIO pose. :)

Below is a picture from our event last week. It's my table with President Gee. The back row is (my boss Amanda's boyfriend) Jeff, (my boss) Amanda, (student) Caleb, President E. Gordon Gee, (financial aid advisor) Brad, financial aid advisor (Bryan), (student) Ross. Front row is (Amanda's daughter) Mackenzie, (Amanda's daughter) Katie, (my office mate) Lori, and me.