Thursday, January 28, 2010

sorry...we're still developing our new habits!

So as Brian stated, we have failed at our new year's resolution. But, lots is going on and now of course, I'm sick with a horrible cold. Anyway, here's the catch-up.

Last weekend we had some friends (Shawn & Shawn) from Wisconsin come down for a visit to balmy Ohio. (I grew up with girl Shawn, and we met boy Shawn over the weekend.) They came down by train late Thursday evening and after Brian's classes Friday we travelled to Cleveland for some exploring. We had an excellent dinner at the Cleveland Chophouse Friday night, had some drinks at the bar, and went to sleep. I was fast asleep, Brian even had to take my glasses off for me. Around 2:30am, we were awakened by obnoxious yelling in the hall coming from the D1 basketball player that was on our floor. Brian bolted out of bed, threw open the door, only to be confronted by an empty hallway. (thankfully) He channeled his half-asleep rage to call the front desk and complain nicely. The next morning we found out it was actually a UW-Milwaukee player. oops. Here are some views from our hotel.

Saturday we started off by going to A Christmas Story house. We didn't actually go in, because it seemed like a rip off. BUT, we went to the gift store like any good tourist. Here's a picture for you.

After that we went to the Historical Museum, which had lots of dinosaurs. And, they had an outside zoo-like area with a few animals. Our favorite animals were the bald eagles, but not to feel bad - the eagles that were caged were crippled, so they wouldn't have survived in the wilderness. Pictures:

After our trip down historical lane, we went to the Great Lakes Brewery restaurant. I had a mac n cheese dish to rival Rock Bottom Brewery's - there was pancetta in it. Then we checked out the local market (found awesome cheese counter, but still not as awesome as Shorewood's Sendiks). Last but not least we checked out Lake Erie. We didn't have enough time for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, so we scoped out the gift shop and toured around the lakefront - nice skyscape. pictures....

Then we left The Shawns in Cleveland to catch their train the next morning. On Sunday, Misty and I made a homemade pizza and played BoomBlox on the Wii while Brian was at school.

In other news, Brian is officially ranked #7 in his class, and therefore gets inducted into Willis Society, which means he finished in the top 10 of his class. (yay! resume builders!) And, as a teaser for those of you that don't know - Brian's off to Rwanda in August. Watch for more details!