Sunday, June 22, 2008

Quick Pics...

Hi all.

I should really be going to sleep right now, but there isn't enough time in the day. I'm going to attempt to post some of the WI flood pics. We'll see if they take or not, but you can get an idea of how much water is in Johnson Creek. This was not quite at peak level. It would have been sooner, but only Brian's computer reads my camera card and I didn't see him till this weekend. Anyway, here's a few.

Sherry's cottage - the propane tank started to float away.

Danny's cottage.

Dad's cottage - tried to sandbag, but lost the battle around 1 a.m. on Friday, June 13. And, it is CREEPY walking in the water in the dark on top of bushes and grass. blech.

This isn't even as high as it got!

We put all the sub-pumps on the pontoon overnight, so they wouldn't get submerged. and we had some chairs and snacks up there. and a giant piece of lumber that was a steering control. We used the canoe a lot too.

Up here is where all the ants were. They were desperate to try to get out of the water, so if you were ankle deep in water, you were considered an ant log. I had at least 12 ants on me at once. There was some screaming involved.

China was very confused. She's not usually a swimmer, so she tried to jump over the water as long as she could touch, but once she couldn't, she didn't know the right direction to find land. She rested on things like the floating grill and the sandbags and then would start swimming again.