Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving results

Greetings anxious readers!

You will all be happy to know our turkey turned out great! We have a LOT of leftovers and are sick of eating turkey, but we’re cheap so we’ll make due. We ended up eating a bit after 5pm, and my dad was there and friends – Joe, Randy, John and Melinda. We had a full menu of turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, peas, green bean casserole, beer bread, rolls, stuffing, cranberries, cookies, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. We also had appetizers for our early guests.

After dinner, everyone chipped in with dish washing, and we played board games until 1am. We played several rounds of Apples to Apples and a never-ending game of trivia pursuit. It was a very wholesome evening!

In other news, I got word about my “little” for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. The coordinator of the program is going to meet with my “little” this week, and hopefully her family next week, so we’ll be able to meet before Christmas. I’ll keep you posted on how it progresses!

In Brian news, only 3 more weeks til finals are over!