Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My new favorite internet video...

By an English animator called Simon Tofield and it is actually called 'Cat Man Do'. He works for an animation company called Tandem Films.


I've been promising some people bits and pieces of politics on the blog for a while, and here I go:

See this op-ed piece in the NY Times from NY Senator Schumer for a well written explanation why I disagree with WI Senators Feingold and Kohl for their disapproval of nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey for U.S. Attorney General.

Yes - this is one of those rare times that I agree with Bush 43rd. NPR has some good reporting on Judge Mukasey when he was announced as nominee, and my opinion hasn't changed since then (and I have to admit, that I am slightly surprised with Kohl on this one...)