Thursday, October 9, 2008

I do not like the phrase "joe six pack." It's stupid.

My title really has nothing to do with this post, but we had a Rock the Vote event this week at OSU, so lots of politic talk....

Anyway, lots new. My computer is sometimes fixed. I crashed the caliber into a cornfield. (I'm fine, the car is not.) Brian had an interview in Philly yesterday. He thinks it went well, he's hoping to hear back next week or so. While he was driving there he saw a Whale Wall!!! (If you ever drove to Brian's place in Shorewood, before the Interstate construction, Milwaukee used to have a Whale Wall on the Interstate by the courthouse. And, you can see some examples.. He also tried a real cheesesteak sandwich with "whiz" and everything. He approved. And, downtown Philly had an awesome farmer's market, where he was accidentally sucked into a scientology tent!

We've been busy. Brian's been doing lots for moot court and law review. We've had some family visitors over the past couple weekends. :) And, of course, we go out most weekends at least a tiny bit. Last weekend, we popped in on a toga party.

Anyway, that's a quick update. Hopefully, more to come soon with house pictures!!