Tuesday, March 24, 2009

updates all around!

Time for some updates! I've updated the blog a bit - I was sick of the old layout. As you can imagine, we've been busy. Hence the missing blogs. I know you've been wondering...what have they been up to?!?

The quick update is that Brian studies a lot, and recently got back from a seminar for law review which was held in Baton Rouge. Law review is also keeping him very busy. While he was gone, the house looked FANTASTIC! I cleaned and cleaned. Who knew we had so much floor?!? I also *finally* finished my Watchmen book. I would recommend the movie, but with the caveat that you will probably appreciate it a bit more having read the book, and it is VERY graphic. We saw a family leaving the theater trying to shield their children's eyes - which was a little funny, because it is R, so they probably shouldn't have been there in the first place...

I also have to report on another book I just finished. This was not serious literature, but one of the funniest, trashiest books ever!! Recommended by two friends from different states, it's in the same vein as David Sedaris, but a girl version with all sorts of sexcapades and antics. My Horizontal Life by Chelsea Handler - great beach read and summer's coming fast!

I've also been keeping very busy with my "Little." (I hide my trashy books and magazines when she comes over.) We've painted pottery - I do not ever want to do that again. I just don't have the patience. We play LOTS of guitar hero and Wii. We attempted racquetball, and have played some HORSE basketball games. We went to the movies, the library, the nature trails at OSU Lima. And, this week we're rollerskating! (I'm very excited to rollerskate.) I'm happy to report she seemed to really enjoy the library and she wants to participate in the summer reading program. (yay librarians, even though angie doesn't read our blog...)

last but not least - in an effort to blog more and because my brain needs something new to do. i'm going to try to blog at least once a week on something educational. Most likely a cause or something that i've stumbled on, but maybe something else. I have this week's picked out, just have to post it...hopefully tomorrow, but my battery is almost dead and i'm sleepy now. more to come later!

p.s. shout out to laura for the milwaukee pic on our header.