Monday, November 12, 2007

Lots to talk about!!!

This weekend Tick and Janel came to visit! We ate lots of food and played lots of games. We played Settlers of Catan (everyone should really try this game!!), and Guitar Hero 3 and some other games. Apparently, we were too loud because our neighbor came down and said she could hear the bass in Guitar Hero. (Oops! But she vacuums at 6:00 a.m.) We also took a trip to show off Findlay and we took a little detour at Best Buy to demo a new video game coming out - Rock Band! It has a bass guitar, guitar, drums, and microphone and combines all these glorious things at once so you can play up to 4 players. Best Buy was missing a guitar, so only 3 of us could play at once. So we played twice with the boys both trying guitar and drums and I sang!! I sang in public everyone!!!! :) Thanks again to Tick and Janel for visiting!

In other news, I have 2 more interviews this week. One tomorrow for an accounting assistant at a factory and one Wednesday for a program assistant in the development department at Ohio State University - Lima Campus. I'm hoping the one on Wednesday goes particularly well. In addition to these interviews, I also got a part-time job! It's at Elder-Beerman (like a Younkers or Boston Store), and is only a sales associate position, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

And lastly, worth mentioning - over the weekend the Badgers were vindicated for their loss to the nutty Buckeyes. The #1 ranking OSU team fell to Illinois.