Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Our Columbus weekend!

This weekend we went to Columbus to visit Bill, Melisa & Emily. We left Friday evening and got there around 6:30/7:00 p.m. We visited, ordered pizza, and played some Word Sweep. Saturday, we slept in, and went to the mall!! At the mall, we were looking for 2 stores in particular - a game store and a Banana Republic. We found both. I used my Banana Republic gift card and we got a couple games - Munchkins & Carcassone. Both games we play with Tick and Janel. Carcassone is extra fun, because it can be a 2 player game. Then we regrouped back at Bill & Melisa's and played some more Word Sweep and Carcassone. We played a lot of Carcassone - I think Bill will be getting the game. The next morning we tried out one of Bill's mall purchases - Settlers of Catan. It was a little difficult initially, because none of us had ever played, so really it was the blind leading the blind. But, once we got the hang of it, it was fairly easy. After the first game, we played a quick second where Bill slaughtered the rest of us. We had lots of fun in Columbus and are looking forward to our next trip! Lots of thanks to Bill and Melisa for hosting! And, thanks to Emily for being such a good baby who barely ever cries and is super cute!

We got home Sunday afternoon and vegged out. On Monday, we went to Kohl's which was great for Brian, depressing for me. I'm too tall for petite size pants, but too short for normal size pants, which led me to the conclusion that I just need to buy more super high heels. And, we went grocery shopping...where we saw a giant Ohio State University football sign made out of seven-up cases. In Wisconsin, you would maybe see something similiar regarding the Packers, but not for the Badgers, unless maybe you were actually in Madison. But we're nearly 2 hours from Columbus - home to OSU. It's really an interesting phenomenon.

Today, I'm doing laundry and made some more banana bread. I've also been watching the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet....so at least my television viewing is educational. And, I finally finished reading the book The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, as recommended by Angie and Laura. I liked it a lot and am mailing it to Charlotte to read!