Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Last pt. 2 (Easter Weekend)

We're running about a week behind in the blogisphere, and today's post will be of the nutshell variety.

Friday of Easter weekend the three of us (Brian, Janet, Brisco) made the trek to WI amid snow and crazy car wrecks in IN. Not record time, but we made it in one piece, parking lot in Chicago and blizzard in WI slowed us a bit.

Saturday we were able to see some family and friends at Rick's house - thanks for coming all those who did, and sorry you couldn't make it those who didn't.

Easter Sunday was brunch with Brian's family and Mary & Bill - who may as well be included in "family" :-)

Drive home was uneventful, save for Janet with a reprise of the flu Saturday night through early in the week.

So, all in all, somewhat of a hectic weekend, but great to see family and friends.