Sunday, January 10, 2010

At least our lives aren't boring....

So it's my turn for writing this week, and I have much to report. Brian got a few more grades back, but he's still waiting on some. BUT, so far so good! He has been busy with law review and he entered a national writing competition, so that has been keeping him busy until he goes back to school tomorrow. (I'll let him write more about all that next week.)

I made my television debut on the noon local news program to talk about Ohio State Lima's Super Science Saturday program, which is a partnership between OSU, Time Warner Cable and the Lima Public Library. Three times a year, we have a free science program for kids K-2nd grade at the Library. The first one was on nutrition, this last one was on astronomy. (Thankfully, I didn't say astrology.) Basically, we set up 3-4 "stations" throughout the Library and kids rotate through. One station is led by OSU faculty, one is led by the Library staff, one is by a community expert, and one station is a Starlab portable planetarium - which looks like a giant inflatable igloo. Kids have to crawl in, and it's pretty impressive. Anyway, my tv appearance was all very last minute because the person that was supposed to go was sick. Thankfully it was only a few minutes, and it seemed to go alright.

Saturday's program went very well. We had a HUGE turnout, many more than were registered and more than double than the first program. Check in was a bit of a mess, but we can fix that for next time. The rest of my Saturday I planned to nap and read while Brian did his paper until we were to go pick up some friends at the airport.

We left for the airport maybe around 6:30 or 7pm, and were just about 10 minutes out of Ada in a tiny neighboring town when we saw a dog frantically chasing cars in the middle of the street. Because Brian and I tend to leap into things, we drove after the dog, pulled over, opened our car door and started yelling for him. Well, the dog jumped right in, so we drove back home and dropped me and the dog off and that's where our plan ended. Unfortunately. While Brian went to Columbus, I set up the dog in the garage. Towelled him off, put a furry rug out with food, water and a tiny space heater. I called the police department, and they asked if we didn't mind that we keep him overnight, because they only have an outside cage that is all snowed in.

Now it's Sunday, and I've called EVERYWHERE and nothing is open to take him. So, now the big danger is here - I find this doggie adorable!! He's very affectionate, rarely barks, has not showed any signs of aggression at all. I think he can do tricks. He does pee when he's scared, but hey, who doesn't, right? I gave him a bath, and he might have some flea hanger ons that haven't quite frozen, so I was careful to only let him in the bathroom (for washing) and the laundry room (for drying.) Even after his bath, he's still stinky. And while Brisco doesn't chase and nip at him, Brisco is angry that there is a guest in the garage and he's acting out (with his only weapon - his bladder! Everytime I turn around he's getting more to drink, so he's got more ammunition.) I'm going to try to get a picture of our visitor to post later.

We're hoping one of our classmates will adopt him - we'll keep you updated!
UPDATE: Our friend Tyler is going to take him. He is out shopping for doggie supplies right now! All it took was for Tyler to see how adorable and friendly he is!