Sunday, July 31, 2011

Would You Prefer Maple Syrup or a Hockey Puck?

I just got back from the Gus Macker 3-on-3 Tournament in Lima.  I took Misty, and since I was going to be there, I volunteered to take some photos of the slam dunk contest.  I was afraid to get too close, because I didn't want to be run over.  I'm not paid for my quality photos or artistic ability, but I did get some good action shots.  Here are a couple:

In other news, we're headed to Toronto for an ABA conference and International Law section retreat.  Since it falls over our Anniversary, I'm tagging along.  (Brisco has several sitters.)  Brian's been involved in a planning committee for an ABA trip to Rwanda and Tanzania, so he'll be able to meet a few of the people he's been talking and emailing with.  Send us your Canadian wares request now!