Friday, April 10, 2009

Brian's Old Now.

It's been 2 days since Brian's birthday party, and we're still recovering. Originally, our friend Amber was going to host, because we didn't really want a party. The day before we had such an overwhelming response we decided to move the party to our house since it's a bit bigger. Our friends Amber and Shannon brought a LOT of food, which was delicious. Watch for recipes to be posted. Guests came around 8pm, and kept coming...steadily. It was BYOB, and the party was still going strong at 11pm, but I kicked everyone out to the Beagle, so I could sleep and make it to work the next day. (Really we had a few key guests who spread the word discreetly that the party was moving.) We had at least 50 guests coming and going. At one point, our garage (the smoking room), the kitchen, and the living room were standing room only. I hadn't even met everyone that showed up. Poor Brisco was manhandled by everyone. Once there were more than 6 people, he stopped barking and started hiding. He ventured out after a couple hours, but then all was lost. He smelled like our friend Ashley when everyone left, because she wouldn't stop cuddling him. I didn't actually go to sleep when everyone left - I put away food and tried to throw away all the beer cans and bottles, so the house didn't smell like a bar. We also had a few drunken messes to clean up - spilled beer, stupid pranks which trashed a few things in our house. I got to bed around 1am, but was restless until Brian got home at 2am. I'm happy to report he was not wasted when he got home - he gave me the report on bar shenanigans. In the morning he had a migraine though, probably from lack of sleep. Thankfully, his classes were cancelled - happy birthday to him! So Brian's 30th birthday was a success! Thank you for all your calls, cards, and gifts!

Here are a few pics from the party.
Brian dancing with Fenz in our packed living room:
Tyler, Brian, Kyle, Randy:
Packed kitchen:

Corey, Brian, Pat: