Saturday, November 5, 2011


I was going to finally just delete the blog today, but I couldn't bring myself to click the button. It was kind of fun to read through all our past stories. So here's the opposite of deletion - an update for all your curious minds. (By all, I mean our one reader.)  

Brian is really enjoying teaching the undergrad students, but he's definitely done in December. His students love him though. One of them actually came up to him this week, and asked what he was teaching next semester, because he had saved 3 credits for Brian. Isn't that nice?!? Although Brian will miss the teaching, I don't think he'll miss the intense prep work. There have been a number of early, early mornings when Brian is finishing up the class for that day. Without fail, whenever he gets up early - they don't even make it through three quarters of the material, and I get an email saying how he could have slept for 2 more hours.

As far as what we've been up to; not much. Brian went with a friend to the heartbreaking WI-OSU game last weekend. At least the fans didn't taunt him. I'm now a straight-up brunette, because I was bored with my dishwater blonde color. We met some Tibetan monks that were visiting ONU, and had lunch with them. That was pretty cool. Our friend Randy visited not long ago, so we had a nice little mini-reunion. Our friends Keesha and Andromeda came up from Columbus that weekend too. We definitely need to get to Columbus more often for visits with everyone there though!