Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time to assimilate!

So I've got 2 work days under my belt and I'm sure you're all anxious to hear about it! It's going well! I haven't been too busy, because I still don't really know much of anything. (My boss has been busy in meetings, so we haven't even been able to meet much.) I will have email access tomorrow though. And, good news, I don't ever have to postage again!!! They have a mail room. Although, dad assures me that when we're home for Christmas I can get my postaging fix by helping him. Everyone is really nice. I'm not super busy yet (because of the not knowing anything), but I can tell I will be. I go to Columbus for some training next week. I think I'll learn a lot in this position - I am already learning about the far-reaching impact of development on a campus. It's super interesting!

Today, I got my BuckID - this means I can now buy Ohio propaganda at a better rate and get sports tickets. And, some of the other offices at the school are seriously covered in Ohio stuff from floor to ceiling -- I might have to purchase a few items to fit in.

Thanks for all of your well wishes!!!