Saturday, July 23, 2011

Absence makes the followers fonder??

Widgets placed successfully!  I encourage all of our friends to sign up on goodreads, so we can compare books.

Since we've been derelict in our Ohio updates for about a year, here's what's happening: 

Hopefully you've heard by now, Brian is back from Rwanda, and has received his LL.M. in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law. He has gotten a temporary position with the ONU Law Library. He continues to be on the hunt for something a bit more permanent though. In the meantime, our landlord has allowed us to rent month-to-month.

I am still with Ohio State in the development office. This past year was filled with a number of events for the 50th anniversary of the Lima campus, which was great to keep me busy while Brian was away. At our various functions, I met Archie Griffin, college football's only two-time Heisman trophy winner; Jon Woods, OSU Marching Band Director; and Chris Spielman, OSU football player alum and current ESPN coverage analyst. There was no chit-chat though, it was too busy. But, I am very prepared for some major party planning. Our latest project was the Ohio Chautauqua, which was a week-long event with workshops throughout the community during the day, and scholar-actor performances in the evening on the campus quad. This year, the five scholar-actors were from the Civil War era in honor of the sesquicentennial. The scholar-actors each perform in character (i.e. as Abe Lincoln or Harriet Tubman) for about 45 minutes, take about 10 minutes of Q&A still in character, and finally, step out of character and take questions as the academics and historians that they truly are. The whole Chautauqua committee seems to still be recovering from the week.

Early August, I plan to do a photography workshop one evening in downtown Lima with a friend, so you'll have to watch for my photo attempts to be posted. Brian and I are hoping to get to Wisconsin soon, but we're trying to wait on job news to plan accordingly. Keep your fingers crossed.

HTML Widget Fail.

Re-dedicating myself to blogging. I've been trying to add an HTML widget forEVER, but it will only load to a footer area. Initially proud of myself for getting it to show up at all, now I realize I don't actually know what I'm doing. Watch for my widget over the weekend. (I'll wake up Brian in the morning to help me.)