Wednesday, March 25, 2009

As promised - Earth Hour and the plight of the polar bear.

As there's a continual call to go green, this Saturday, at 8:30 p.m. (local time) is Earth Hour US! Started by the World Wildlife Fund two years ago in Australia, it has now spread to include 2,100 cities across the globe. Last year, more than 50 million participated and the lights went out at the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the Coliseum in Rome, just to name a few. Even Google's homepage went black for the day!

Although, it's fun to sit in the dark for an hour, the purpose of the lights out is to show your support for climate change. One of the most notable and publicized events of the climate change is the plight of the polar bear. As you may know ONU has the polar bear for its mascot. Poor polar bears. They're running out of ice to frolic on. In an effort to assist in educating local communities, schools with the polar bear mascot have been holding educational seminars - Ada's had at least two so far. (Yes, it's very bizarre to have a polar bear mascot in northwest Ohio.) And, I found this website to be can follow around a polar bear!

So in an effort to support our local polar bears, we'll be sitting in the dark this Saturday at 8:30 p.m. I encourage you to do the same. Get out some candles, get out a board game, roast some mallows over those candles. Or just take a nap and you'll never know the difference. The movement is really only symbolic, so you can still have your 'puters and tv's on, but really shouldn't we power down occasionally anyway?