Monday, January 26, 2009


i don't have much to contribute. not much going on here. new computer, new loan funds. lately our typical day is:
6:30 get up.
8:10 say bye to Brian cuz he's still sleeping cuz he's sick.
8:30-5:00 work
5:35 get home, play with dog
6:00 elliptical/rock out to my itunes
6:40 celebrate being done working out by singing along as loud as possible to music & lyrics soundtrack while making dinner (hope brian doesn't come home mid-song)
7:30 play Animal Crossing (brian's sometimes home around now....)
8:00 watch a netflix
10:00 go sleepy, have crazy dreams
the 6:40-10:00pm time slots usually switch around depending on brian's moot court schedule

to all the kid's book readers out's a link for you. anything by neil gaiman - i encourage you to read it.


Tick said...

Here here for Mr. Gaiman!

We've been following Neil since his comic book work, and now with a Newbery Medal to add to his stack o' awards... I must agree. Read his stuff!

Anonymous said...

We keep seeing the previews for Coraline and are intrigued, but may have a hard time handling cute animation with a dark storyline. Maybe I'll read the book first... (and by the time I finish, the movie will be on DVD)

Hope Brian's feeling better