Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Your Dose of Ohio Trivia...

Here's one that will make you work...

Ohio is rich in its civil war history, though, throughout the course of the war, there was only one significant battle fought here.

Question: On what date of the battle and what was the location of the battle (also by reference the name of the battle)?

Bonus Question: What three notable figures in American History are said to have been present at the battle?

(Rules for this trivia: first person to post correct answer to the Question receives a prize. First person to post correct answer to Bonus Question receives a prize (if it's the same person, they get a prize upgrade!) The Ohio Experiment trivia winners are not eligible to win back to back questions (Sorry Heidi, but we need to spread around the cool prizes!!!)


Anonymous said...

The Battle of Buffington Island, also known as the St. Georges Creek Skirmish, was an American Civil War engagement in Meigs County, Ohio, on July 19, 1863, during Morgan's Raid. The largest battle in Ohio during the war, Buffington Island contributed to the capture of the famed Confederate cavalry raider, Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan, who was seeking to escape Union army pursuers across the Ohio River at a ford opposite Buffington Island.

- Thank you Wikipedia. I'll have to do some more digging for the bonus question.

Anonymous said...


In addition, three future presidents of the United States, James Garfield, Rutherford B. Hayes, and William McKinley, were all present at the Battle of Buffington Island.

Brian said...

Well done! Exactly the response I was looking for (and I am happy that you had to do more digging than Wikipedia for the answer).

I will attempt future trivias to be "Wikipedia Proof."

Anonymous said...

For the record, I asked my Civil War buff father these questions today. He got Morgan's Raid, McKinley, and Garfield, but that's it.

Without "teh interwebz", it'd be a serious challenge.

Brian said...

Being a civil war buff is cool! When I have the free time, I think I'd enjoy some re-enacting!

Anonymous said...

Actually, there were two "battles" in Ohio. Buffington Island was the first, followed by the engagement at Salineville in Columbiana County. The second was the further attempt to capture Morgan (yes* along with the release of 6,000 Union soldiers).