Monday, September 10, 2007

Living the Ohio Dream...

Another week has come and gone in beautiful north-west Ohio! I've gotten through three weeks of law classes, and in another twelve it's on to my first round of law school finals. I'm not nervous yet, but I am spending much of my free time at school in the law library studying.

Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting Rick (Janet's dad for those not in the know). he arrived Saturday morning, and after he and Janet bummed around town and I studied, we drove a 1/2 mile down the road for the "festival" taking place at the Northwest Ohio RR Preservation Society.

It was an annual festival with food (notably homemade ice cream from some type of John Deere contraption, see photo); a 1/4 scale steam locomotive offering rides; a large and impressive train layout; tour of an old caboose many tractors and other old-timey tractors and steam engine powered stuff. the coolest part for me was the modestly sized civil war reenactment encampment, while Janet loved the alpacas!

We had a nice dinner, and went to see the film 3:10 to Yuma, which was GREAT!!!! I think I can speak for all three of us that we highly recommend it. Also, we found a wonderful new bookstore in Findlay, The Stately Raven, which is housed in a beautiful old church, recently renovated for its new purpose. We'll likely be spending much more time there in the coming months...

Sunday was relaxing, mixed with studying, and watching (but mostly fast-forwarding) the recorded Badgers and Packers football games. We're determined to "buck" the system, and not become "Buckeye" fans just because we're, people who live in Ohio. And, just to make our friends in Italy jealous, we also enjoyed take-away from Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner!

Coming soon - more fun Ohio trivia...stay tuned.

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