Sunday, May 9, 2010

Graduation is upon us.

Exactly a week from now, Brian will have completed his Juris Doctorate with all sorts of academic extras. (He's studying for his very last final now.) Looking back it's been a bit of a three year whirlwind. While of course, it's a relief that it will soon be over, it's a mixed bag of emotions. We'll definitely miss all the great friends we've made, and then there's the bar exam to contend with and of course Brian's year-long African adventure. Anyway, we're looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend to help us celebrate!

We have some things to update you on. We have a new animal addition to our family. Her name is Katie Louise. I prefer to call her Kitty. She's a long haired black and white kitty that we got from Brian's professor and wife. She and Brisco have a tenuous relationship, but it's getting better. They've both taken to fighting over me by trying to intimidate one another off my lap. I'm sure we'll post a picture eventually.

In Rwandan news, the President of the Rwandan Supreme Court will be in DC for a week in June, and Brian has been asked to accompany her on "high level court" meetings. His (and therefore, my) hotel stay will be paid for, and they'll be paying him a salary approximately equivalent to what he was getting in the summers at Huntington. We're still not sure what week it will be, but we're excited for the trip!

We have also (almost) secured an apartment for me while Brian will be gone. It's a little smaller than our house, but not by much. Rumor has it that the landlord is great, it's pet friendly, and it's by our friend Joe, who will be here until at least October. It's got a guest room, so I'll still be taking visitors. We've viewed it, but just need to sign the contract.

In work news, it's been busy. We're having our biggest annual scholarship fundraiser of the year, the day after Brian's graduation. We had three weeks lead time to plan it, which is the shortest time we've had yet. So far, so good though. I have off on Friday for Brian's graduation party prep stuff, so hopefully we'll be ready by Thursday evening for the fundraiser on Monday.

You may have heard/read about Brian's "Olympic" decathalon against his friend Randy. Well, they both survived the ordeal, but barely. (I had to literally help Brian into the car to drive home.) And, Brian had a sound victory over Randy. All in the name of the class gift. Here are a couple pictures.

I am in the midst of reading the Wheel of Time series, but took a break to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was EXCELLENT, so as soon as I was finished I had to read the next one - The Girl Who Played with Fire. The third book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, in the series comes out later this month. I'm looking forward to the movie too, but I think I'll have to wait for it on NetFlix.

So, there's an update for you. I'm going to go make our lunches for tomorrow. (Roast beef & swiss, mmmm!) See some of you next weekend!