Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yellow Fever ain't got nothin' on me!

Or, at least it won't come tomorrow. That's right, inoculation day. Taking the trip to Columbus to the OSU Medical Center Infectious Disease Travel Clinic for a panel of pre-travel vaccines.

Besides routine vaccines, the CDC recommends vaccines for Hepatitis A and B, Yellow Fever, and Typhiod. Let's hope for the best with no negative reactions after the shots.

On Tuesday, it's a brief trip to Wisconsin for a couple family visits, and some meetings - and hopefully time with friends. Back to Ohio on Thursday, and to Columbus for meetings over lunch and dinner on Friday. There ends the final spring break of the law school career.

This weekend was spent largely relaxing, visiting with friends, and watching the very close USA-Canada hockey match.

More to follow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

happy belated valentine's day.

We had a whirlwind weekend of fun. Friday night we played the new Wii Super Mario brothers game at a friend's house - you can play cooperatively all at once, and you don't run out of lives. (This last point is particularly important for me.) Oh yes, and it was Olympic kick-off, which we caught the tail end of. Everyone should really be watching the Olympics!!

Saturday we went to a Valentine's Day party at one of Brian's professor's. Lots of other students were there, as well as professors. Everyone was greeted with slippers and could choose any number of appetizers or drinks...brian and I stuck to the wine table and met some fun new professors and an episcopalian minister. We helped close down the party.

Sunday was Little Sister day and we made a "from scratch" chocolate cake and played on the Wii. Misty brought over a game for me to try, so we busted out the Wii Balance Board and used it to roll a marble through a course by leaning every which way.

In other news, I wanted to share a book I just finished for book club - The Wednesday Sisters. It was excellent, about 5 women that start meeting in a park to discuss books, and decide to start a writing group and end up supporting each other through all sorts of trials and tribulations. And, it's set with the backdrop of the late 60s. Everyone in the group LOVED it.

Okay, so that wasn't as earth shattering as Brian going to Rwanda, but it's what we're doing. We'll keep you updated as things progress.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Here's an announcement:

It has been confirmed. But for a few formalities and minor negotiations, I have a job placement for after graduation.

The past two years of my J.D. elective study has been largely dedicated to international law, and foreign and comparative law. It became somewhat of a career dream, if you will, to practice in international law upon graduation. Come August, I will take the first step in this process.

I will be working for one year with the President of the Supreme Court of Rwanda, as part of a USAID project working to strengthen the rule of law in the post-genocide regime. Details of my job description are slowly trickling in (somewhat delayed by the immense snowstorm in D.C.). More to follow, but to answer the big questions:

No, Janet will not be joining. But, she will have wide latitude to take 2-3 weeks off to come and visit at least once, maybe twice.

Yes, I'm looking for additional funding! If you know someone giving out grants, send them my info!

Yes, we're both very excited!

That's all for now - some news to digest. More to follow.