Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Greetings blog-o-sphere!

An update for the week...

Brian's studying...He is writing a paper on piracy in international waters, as in the arrgghh kind, not intellectual property kind. So he's the local pirate expert. He's also been busy with moot court brief writing. And, last but not least Fed Tax is being pretty brutal on him...not the content, just the workload.

My extra-curriculars...This week I had an interview to become a Big Sister to a young girl in the Ada community. I met with the coordinator and we really hit it off and I raved about all my good influences growing up. (Thank you to all of you great role models!) She's going to find me a match in the school system based on who they think would be a good fit for my personality and based on where they might need me most. Then I'll meet with the family to make sure they approve. Then we'll hang out once a week for a few hours. I'm pretty excited about it, so I hope she finds me a Little quickly! :)

Next week...we'll be hosting Thanksgiving for my dad, and our friends Randy and Joe. It will be our first attempt at making a turkey, so we'll let you know how that goes. And of course, you know how we like to be extravagant, so we have a 20-pounder! (But to be fair, we got it from Grandma and Grandpa.) We also have the local pizza place on speed dial in case it doesn't go well.

Watch for more news soon!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update on Life in Ohio

Here are the cliff notes:

Blog. Yes, it still is here. No, we haven't decided not to blog anymore. Please, still read! We'll try to update things at least one a week. As a standing update, Brian is studying!

Job (Brian). I accepted the job offer in Huntington WV for a second summer. There was much to this decision. I had some great opportunities, and flew around on interviews, but things are very competitive with the economy, and not as many offers for summer associate positions for 2Ls. It's a nice opportunity, because when I returned from the first summer, the only hold-up was location. Getting beyond that, it seems to be a pretty good opportunity.

Job (Janet). Same 'ol, same 'ol. I'll let Janet fill you in, but I think for one she is happy with the election being over. She was a one-woman Obama army debating with her co-workers!!!

School. BUSY! There was a reason I chose to do moot court and law review, but I can't remember it now. I will write more about moot court soon, for those who aren't familiar. Classes are going relatively well, but scary to think that finals are only three weeks away.

Obama. Sadly, I'm not being vetted for White House Counsel. I think there's some hang-up with my not having a law degree. I'll have to work on this. Undoubtedly, we're both very pleased with the outcome of the election. We were quite invested in the campaign and it was wonderful to be a part of a winning team. Here is the proverbial shout-out for our friend Joe Zepecki...Joe was campaign manager for a US Senate race in Nebraska for the democratic nominee Scott Kleeb. Joe ran a tough fight, in an area that's well known to lean heavily republican. Scott Kleeb was an excellent candidate, highly qualified, which makes the loss even harder thinking of what he could have contributed to Washington. In any event, well done Joe!!!

Church. La la la...that's he sound of me singing!!! Yesterday I was a cantor with my Federal Income Taxation professor at the local Catholic church. He's out of town next weekend for his daughter's wedding, and I'm to fill in. Nice to be back in a liturgical ministry setting, even in a minor role. I will admit that I miss one of the best organs in the State of WI, but it's a nice community, and an energetic young priest.

Blog. Check back soon for more updates...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Five Yard Signs and Counting....

That's - five Obama yard signs STOLEN from our yard and counting...

Last night was the last straw...in response to two signs being stolen on separate occasions (and one during the middle of the say on Saturday) we went to the campaign office in Lima to pick up a barrage of replacement signs. Last night, around 11pm, Brisco barked when he heard a culprit open our front screen door, and try to peel off the Obama poster we have taped in the door window. Hearing this, I ran out, to find signs number 3 and 4 missing, and a dark-coloured pickup truck quickly driving away, as I chased after it...barefoot...

Sign number 5 was of course, placed in the yard, only to be gone at 5:30 a.m. when we woke up to vote. Sign number 6 is not in the yard. We'll see if it lasts the day.

The neighbours must be pleased, however, because with each new sign stealing incident, a new window-cling or other type of campaign paraphernalia is dawned in the window. People may well start to think our house is a campaign headquarters. (We'll also pause here to discuss the owner of the house we're renting - the daughter of a two-term republican US Senator from OH, who is consequently the OH campaign chair for the McCain campaign. A connection???)

Well, the private detective skills that I've learned while watching DVDs of the TV show Veronica Mars were not enough to help me (and a couple buddies) track down the sign-thief's. As a consolation, as I type this, I'm procrastinating the reading I have to have done in one hour, and watching Barack and Michelle Obama vote!

Naturally, all this makes me miss the political machine, and the joys of campaigning. Also, a shout-out to our friend Joe Zepecki, who is campaign manager for a US Senate race in Nebraska (Scott Kleeb). No doubt an uphill battle, but he's an awesome candidate, and Joe's fighting a good fight.

Now - GO VOTE (for Obama!)