Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here's why you're not hearing from me or Janet as of late...

The start of second year of law school has been a rush of work, with one new assignment after another. As a member of law review, we had to write a publishable review of a recent Supreme Court Decision (mine was of the 85 page decision (incl. 2 dissents) in D.C. v. Heller - the court's decision re: the Second Amendment last term). Needless to say, I was pretty peeved at my peers who had 13 page decisions, but I got it done...

Immediately after the case note, tryouts for Moot Court - one weekend of Appellate arguments, and the following weekend of mock trial. The mock trial tryouts continue, with the top eight teams advancing to an intra-school trial competition. My trial partner and I have advanced to the semi-finals, and we will compete next week sometime to try and make it to the finals. I also was placed on the Jessup International Law Moot Court Team - by far the most prestigious at the school, and the one with the greatest chance for success. Our team last year was one round away from making it to the international rounds, competing against schools from around the world. Needless to say our coach and faculty advisor has high hopes for our team this year!

Interviews...many...callbacks...few...but I'll be flying around a bit over the next couple weeks to hopefully field offers for next summer.

Today we had a break from things - with the Harvest and Herb festival in Ada - a one-day event with booths lining main street with things to eat, buy, etc.

Of course this is generally what is keeping Brian busy - Things are going well for Janet at work, and we're trying to spend as much time as possible together between all that is going on at school.