Sunday, August 24, 2008

slow catch up.

We're moved in. Still unpacking, but majority is done. Big thanks to Emily and Kevin for coming down to help. Gas leak is fixed. Now we're having a plumbing problem and didn't have a working toilet for 2 days. Don't ask, let's just say we dealt with it and it was disgusting. It's working now, but still needs a little work.

Anyway here are some pics from Cahmlo & Lyndsey's wedding. Pics to come from Matt and Mckenzie's wedding. As evidenced by pics, the location was beautiful for the wedding. Cahmlo and Lyndsey were cute and adoring, of course. And, Keith and Christopher were great company as always, so it was nice that they could make it from Italy!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Murphy's Law...

In a nutshell.

Checked house last night. Super messy. Today cleaning day instead of moving day. Were going to take friend's Jeep back to Ada for them. Won't start. Brian reloads his car instead, gets to house. Watches them disconnect water - even though we called. Discovers gas leak. Can't find crawl space. Finally finds crawl space, can't reach all the way. Bed being delivered amid cobwebs and gas leak. BLEH!!!

In non-murphy news. Cahmlo and Lyndsey's wedding was beautiful - outside, perfect weather, great food, lots of pretty people. Visiting with Keith and Christopher was great as well. We of course, ate well....better than well. We crossed a picket line protesting foie gras, then we ate the foie gras. pics to come.

New address assuming it doesn't explode:

206 Turner Avenue
Ada, OH 45810

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

happy anniversary to us!

Greetings and salutations!

We haven't blogged in forever, because Brian is super busy and my computer broke. So here's a quickie update from my work computer.

Dad came down to visit WV two weeks ago. We had fun - didn't do much - watched movies, saw Brian's office, went to the park, and saw Hancock, which I personally thought was way better than I anticipated, not that it was Citizen Kane or anything. (But who likes that dumb movie anyway?!?)

Jeff and Mary came down last weekend. We played games, geocached, and saw Wall-E (super cute!)

Yesterday at work we had a bomb scare in one of our buildings. Nothing major came of it. They just evacuated the building and did a sweep of the campus. All clear.

Last, but not least. It's our 3 year anniversary today! I gave blood to celebrate. I had been eating all sorts of meat for the last week to "beef" up my iron. heh. Brian sent me flowers that were the same color as our bridesmaid bouquets. Although we don't get to see each other today, Brian will be home tomorrow and we're off to celebrate Cahmlo and Lyndsey's wedding! Our 3 years has happily flown by, and I'm sure our future years will go just as fast. We both know how lucky we are! :)

Watch for our address change soon - we're starting to move stuff on Monday!