Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pics to go with my longest blog ever...

Here are some pics from the game fair.

Here is me winning at risk...eventually i lost.

Here are some pics from our party this weekend celebrating our friend Randy's return. We played a lot of cornhole.

Friday, July 11, 2008

i can't sleep, so howdy!

This is a belated blog of some summer highlights.

*I've been driving to WV a lot of weekends. We explore, go to parks, watch West Wing, play games like Risk, occasionally work out and generally binge on junkfood and buy me shoes. Brisco likes the travel and we share him. And, we've both been having assorted car problems - so much for saving up this summer. Over the 4th weekend, we also explored Charleston where they have a Bandolino (cute shoes and stilettos) store in their mall. (I'm a perfect 8 in Bandolino, if anyone wants to play shoe fairy.) We went to a French restaurant that was totally hit & miss with wonderful bisque and main dishes, but sub-par cheese and foie gras. Charleston downtown was super cute and we found a bookstore/coffee shop and they have a creperie Brian's going to try out tomorrow. On the road we saw a crazy road kill - black bear. I know it's gross, but how crazy is that?!? A bear! We also went to a firm work party picnic and I got to meet a few people. Unfortunately, a lot of the people that Brian really likes weren't able to make it, so I didn't meet them. (Of course, he likes the other people too, but you know what I mean.)

*Tick and Janel came down a few weekends ago. We went to Columbus to a game convention - Origins. It was the first of nerdy conventions for me. They had some standard games like Apples to Apples. (Did you know that company is from WI?) But, they also had a lot of RPGs (role playing games) or in-depth strategy or tile building games and comics. They also had the standard trading card games like Pokemon. Whenever we passed a "walking" Pokemon character, I got my picture taken with it (much to Brian's embarassment.) And, we saw some people dressed up in chainmail, renaissance-y clothes, and util-i-kilts. Of course, some random guy was also wearing a storm trooper costume....I got my picture taken with him too. We demoed games, but couldn't buy the one we wanted cuz it was old and they were out. (We got some other ones there too though - but we were frugal about it - they are cheaper at these things...) While Tick and Janel were here, we also played games at home - card, board, and wii!

*I had a birthday. I'm 29 now, but I don't look a day over 22 says one of my running buddies. We actually ran a straight 2-miles on my birthday - no walking. It was a slow run, but yay progress!! Happy birthday me. No one at work remembered my birthday - that was a little depressing. But, thanks for all your well-wishes! :) I "ran" again on Wednesday and we did bleacher work (a first), like in a movie montage (except I couldn't breathe and wanted to cry). But, I swam in our apt. pool after that, so that helped with the relaxing. We're doing something light on Friday, since I'm not going to WV this week.

*Our friend Randy is back from Italy this week, so I had dinner with him tonight, at BW3's. Tasty. Anyway, I heard all about his trip. In honor of Randy's return, Brian is coming to Ohio this weekend and we are partying in Ada. It will be nice to see everyone again! It's going to be a pretty big group of people coming out, so it'll be fun. Lots of people are in summer class, and some are just driving back to visit. We even have a few people coming that aren't going to be going back to law school in the fall.

*Some upcoming items of interest include Brian gearing up for on-campus interviews for next summer - some interviews are even before school starts; my dad is coming w/me to WV and we're going to a hot dog festival; Jeff and Mary will be visiting; we're going to Cahmlo & Lindsey's wedding in Syracuse, NY and Keith and Christopher will be there too; the following weekend is Matt & McKenzie's wedding in Oklahoma City; then the following Monday we're moving to Ada from Findlay; and then Bill and Stephanie are visiting. Watch for our new address to be posted!

Pictures of me and the storm trooper and Pikachu will be posted eventually!