Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A political mumbling...

Sorry for including some political banter on The Ohio Experiment, but I can't help it.

Here's a good Op-Ed piece from the NY Times.

I heard on NPR on my way to campus that Ms. Clinton now supports a suspension of the federal excise tax an gasoline. All I can say is "pandering..."

The article is a good read, and good evidence of my (and Janet's) support for Sen. Obama.

Monday, April 28, 2008

study break...

See this! (click there if you're not hyperlink savvy!)

Janet's biggest event of the year is today, and first of 5 finals for me begins tomorrow (countless hours in the library in the past week, and for the next two weeks.)

In the weeks to come (3): finals, and a trip to Monticello with our friend Austin, before he return to Malawi.

More to come soon.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

i won

just a quick update - i won the Dan Guy Oral Argument Competition today! Yay me!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Finals...It's a theme...

11 days until finals start - round 2 of 6 - am I ready? Sort of. Much of my time has been consumed with the first year appellate oral argument competition.

Ah yes, the oral argument competition that Janet's been mentioning in the blogs. Tonight was the Semi-final round, and, as fate would have it, I have progressed into the final round set for Saturday morning!

I'm quite pleased. More-so because the issue that I will argue is the one I started with, and wrote a brief for, so I'm quite comfortable with the topic. The topic? Well, in a nutshell, first amendment protection of anonymous Internet speech. It's more than that, but trust me, we don't need to go there! It's 11pm and I need to start studying for my Contracts final!!!

So, this is the update for now. We'll let you know how the final round goes. The nice part is that at this point, I get my name on a plaque!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

super quick!

Just a quick update!

Brian is still progressing in the oral argument competition - he's in the elite eight! It's really difficult to prepare, because he gets a new topic and then only has a day and a half to research it. And, he's still expected to go to class and keep up with final studying!

I've been super busy at work, been trying out some new recipes, and working out while Brian studies. Last week I made some salmon, a crab cobb salad, and some mini-quiches.

And, my dad's coming to visit this weekend to help break in the wii!

We'll keep you posted on Brian's arguments!

Monday, April 7, 2008

tomorrow, tomorrow, i just love tomorrow....

...cuz it is brian's birthday! so we celebrate the birth of Brian! I got him a couple presents and I said we could splurge and get a take 'n bake pizza from Papa Murphy's. He does love his pizza!

April is a very hectic birthday month, so I wish all of you April birthday people a fantabulous time. Just to name a few - Jeff M. started it off, Grandpa Vernie is today, Brookie is fast approaching, Tick was Sunday, Mary L. is coming up. I'm sure there are more, but I know all these people are blog readers! If you have an April birthday and I didn't name you, I'm very sorry, but you should post on the blog and tell me then. :)

In other news, Emily and Kevin visited 2 weekends ago. We explored Bluffton and did lots of eating, and it was very nice to visit with them. We also went to see Vantage Point - good movie, lots of action! Hopefully next time, we'll have a bit more time to visit and less time Brian's needing to study!

Last week I didn't see much of Brian, because he had a huge appellate brief due on Friday. That night everyone celebrated at one of Brian's professors. We skipped out early to hang out with our friend Shannon and her boyfriend, Brent. Sunday, we went to our friend Jon's place and had a great brunch mostly prepared by his girlfriend, Shea. Shea's from Georgia, so she knows her southern cooking! And, like me, she enjoys some brunch time mimosa(s).

We're having a birthday party for Brian on Friday, so more blog news soon! And, think calming thoughts at Brian tomorrow - he's giving oral arguments on his birthday!