Sunday, January 27, 2008

Roller Shoes and Expensive Grapes


That was the general sentiment when Janet and I were shopping at Wal-Mart this afternoon. Now, as a general policy, I try not to patronize Wal-Mart, however, they really do have low prices, and in defense of the capitalist system, lower prices = more money in the pockets of the consumer - and we are consumer... I said, I try not to patronize Wal-Mart, and at the risk of sounding like I have a superiority complex (no comments welcome here) it's because of the other patrons. Today, it was a literal drove of children with "roller-shoes." You've seen them - tennis shoes with a little wheel that pops out of the heel. The result? Children whirring about the isles of malls, stores, parking lots and schools - annoying everyone else. This can't just be an Ohio phenomenon.

So - do we blame the children? No. The parents for buying the shoes, and letting the children roll freely? Perhaps. I for one say we blame the jerk who filed the idea with the patent office and is making millions off the dumb idea!!!!!!

The other consumer experience of the weekend was at the grocery store yesterday, when I grabbed some grapes because I thought they looked good. Turns out they aren't in season, and the bag cost me nearly $10!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! Why didn't the cashier ask me if I was insane! Oh well, you'd better believe that we'll be eating every last one of them. I'm looking online to see if there's a way I can grind down the stems and make a lotion out of it!!!!!

Hope you weekend had far less consumer angst than ours!!!!

B & J

Monday, January 21, 2008

Addicted to Bloggin'

Brian seeks an outlet for political discussion and commentary

Janet said that The Ohio Experiment is for keeping people up to date and not for Brian's political ranting.

So, Brian started another blog, this time for political (and other) discussion...

Just something to add to your daily blog reading list!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Packer Party

We're doing our best to support the green and gold today - having a bunch of friends over to watch the Packer game, and eat brats (I'm in the midst of deciding whether to par-boil or not-or rather par-simmer as that's the required heat)!
In any event - GO PACK!

Last night we saw the film Dan in Real Life - nice story, but a bit heart-wrenching at times. The consensus was that Steve Carroll is a good drama actor, and we (Janet, Randy and I) want to be friends with him, because he seems like a nice guy!

We both have the day off tomorrow, so it'll involve a bit of relaxing, and Brian doing some studying to prepare for the week.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Brisco's new favorite movie...

You may have heard that Brian is a sucker for movies involving sled dogs - Iron Will, Eight Below, and White Fang. It's likely that it has something to do with Brian's once upon a time dream to climb Mt. Everest before the age of 30 (yup - seriously...)

In any event, here's a photo from our watching the film White Fang this weekend! I think we'll Tevo 101 Dalmatians the next time it's on television (yes, the crappy live action version) and see if the doggie freaks out!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Austin - our friend in the LLM program from Malawi, had his wife and son to visit over the holiday break. Wednesday last week we had the family (and Randy - my classmate friend who also hails from WI) over for dinner. It was a fun time, with Temba (Austin and Tepona's son) terrorizing our apartment, as well as Brisco!!!!

Thursday Tepona and Temba returned to Malawi, via flight from Detroit - Amsterdam - Nairobi - Lilongwe. I was asked to drive them to Detroit, in time for their 9:20 p.m. departure, and of course I agreed. We left Thursday immediately after my last class at 3:30 p.m., and made it to the airport in two hours - not bad - and just before it started to rain.

At check-in, Austin passed over tickets and passports, and moments later the agent said "do you have the passport for the child?" Naturally, Temba passport was in Ada, OH and Austin's was brought by mistake. Panic sets in - but quick thinking (and fast driving) saved the day. I was able to ring Randy back on campus, and Austin called campus security, who opened his apartment and allowed Randy to get the passport. We met in Bowling Green, with near perfect timing, and I was able to return to DTW with passport in hand at 8:10 p.m.

Just like out of a movie - I was running through the airport, holding tightly the passport in one hand, and hurdling rolling suitcases and small children on my way from parking structure to international departures - arriving just in time. Austin recounted to me on the way home that "there was no more beautiful sight than Brian running around the corner!" Though I begged to differ with the accuracy of the statement, my and Randy's efforts were appreciated, and it was nice to be able to pull it off!!! Makes for an exciting story at least, and a lesson to check, and double check for passports prior to international travel!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Brian is back in Ohio, (yippee!) and just started classes again today. And, today, I had a work experience that is definitely blog worthy.

For all you non-sporties - Tonight, OSU is playing LSU for some championship or another. As we've mentioned, Ohioans get a little nutty, (pun intended) so you can just imagine how an actual campus was today. Everyone (minus me) was wearing gray and scarlet. At lunch there was a free red beans and rice meal (in honor of the game being in Louisiana - home of the cajun food). And, then the choir was going to sing the Carmen Ohio school song. Well, I tried to lay low during festivities, as it seemed more student centric. Laying low didn't work very well. My co-workers are a bunch of joiners and wanted to support student activities and show their buckeye pride and I ended up being dragged along. Everything seemed to be going just fine, while I watched my co-workers give themselves heartburn with the spicy food. Then we went to the choir room. Greeters very accomodatingly handed out the lyrics to the school song. Then the choir director said, "okay, everyone here, get on the risers." I looked around in a panic, trying to get to the door inconspicuously - it wasn't going to happen. We did scale warm-ups, then a practice run through, then the performance piece - complete with hand gestures, and the end with 1/2 the group yelling O-H and the other half I-O. While this all sounds like a nice pep rally type thing, it should be noted, there were only about 20 people there, 5 of which were my office. And then, we finally left the room, met another co-worker who was late for the singing, so the choir director made everyone do the whole thing again. I am not even kidding. I HATE hand gestures. But, for all my griping, it is nice that everyone gets so excited and is so welcoming about their cult-like behavior. :)

Here's a picture of how Brutus the Buckeye has evolved! The middle's my fave.
In other news, it's really nice weather here in Ohio causing possible flood conditions. Say a little prayer that Findlay doesn't flood again. And, there is also a tornado watch out, so you'll have to think of Brian. ;)

And, last but not least, with some of our Christmas money, we got the game Battleship. I've never played before yesterday, but now I'm totally sinking Brian's ships!! :)